Check him out at:
It's the future. Everyone has chips in them. Aliens attack the satellites to control all humans. Who will save mankind?! The only people who have not installed chips in them...the Amish!
Ok, so the reason I haven't posted...uh, anything lately is because I have been employed by the Division of Personal Financial Planning at Texas Tech University. Above are some sample pages from the project I am working on. They were looking to revamp their image/graphics and wanted a new print/web document to distribute to prospective students. My friend Altan is currently a grad student in the PFP program and was the coordinator for this project. He was responsible for content and I, the art direction. Together we banged this out in a little over a month...which is not a lot of time considering I have a full time job and he is a full time student and this was the first time both of us have taken on a project like this. Factor in personal summer plans, faculty schedules, multiple sources of input, the 1500 miles between us...and boom, major obstacles. We're finishing this week after crazy hard work, mad coordination efforts, and a lot of trial and error. Interestingly, we did everything digitally either through Google Wave (omg i know, and you didn't think anyone used it), Gmail,, Skype and cellphone calls which is really crazy if you think about it. Two people connecting via various forms of digital communication to get things done without ever meeting in person. There's no way this could have been done a few years ago. A-MAZING.
All in all, we're quite happy with what we created. Altan and I make a pretty bad ass team if I do say so myself. I am finalizing and getting faculty review this week and hopefully posting the final pdf here before the end of this week. Boom.
Edit: You may now find the full book at
Figure drawing. I forget how absolutely crappy you can become without continued practice. And also how absolutely aggravated and frustrating it can be. So here is my first attempt at getting back to it. I am completely lacking the familiarity and deliberate-ness I used to have when it came to drawing the human figure. So if you happen to be in Pittsburgh, then come join me. Carnegie Mellon CFA 313 Sunday nights this fall from 5-8pm.
This is sort of a compilation of my impressions of Paris, Rome, Prague and Barcelona. Man do I miss Europe.
Messed up the railing. Damn.
Apologies for not updating, we are getting ready for the big move from one apartment to another this week so I will be MIA for a while until everything gets settled. On top of that we have a couple deadlines at work. Combined with some freelance and late nights, it seems increasingly difficult to find time to post. Perhaps I should hire a personal (read HOT) secretary. :)
Anyways, I've been working on a friend's site. Chuck is one talented individual. The site is up and running save for a few tweaks, check it out at:
So ciao for now and I'll be back next week!
Vuvuzela Bandit Banjo Pig.
Check out:
Heheheh, some of them are so funny. Love it.
Check out:
Haven't drawn in a while...sometimes I find other projects that interest me more and drawing kind of fades to the background...then I feel guilty. Right now it's learning Chinese. Last time it was learning Flash. The time before that it was learning to wave and glide. And the time before that it was studying for LEED. Problem is I never quite finish any real projects, I just start them and often lose interest/forget/get bored/frustrated etc. In any case, I always come back to drawing because I always find that I miss it.
So about learning Chinese...I've been trying to memorize and use new vocabulary AND read and write the characters. The funny thing about it is that I just visualize how they look graphically which is probably not how I should be learning. It's like memorizing little pictures which means I'm not really associating them with verbal meanings/sounds. I suppose it's because I've always been a visual person. I figure with time it'll all work out...or I'll quit. Hopefully not the latter.
We saw greyhounds in Market Square during lunch today. Beautiful creatures, they have such funny proportions.