Figure drawing. I forget how absolutely crappy you can become without continued practice. And also how absolutely aggravated and frustrating it can be. So here is my first attempt at getting back to it. I am completely lacking the familiarity and deliberate-ness I used to have when it came to drawing the human figure. So if you happen to be in Pittsburgh, then come join me. Carnegie Mellon CFA 313 Sunday nights this fall from 5-8pm.

Went sketching out by Station Square during lunch the other day with my good friend Jon F. I'm not so happy with this one. Jon, on the other hand, is great. I keep trying to get him to start a blog because a) it would make him infinitely cooler and b) his artwork is really spectacular. Anyways, we might start a blog together...sort of an unofficial bcj pittsburgh architecture/art/design related one...? Ideally this is something that multiple people would eventually contribute to. So yea that is all for now, be on the lookout for that post, this booklet i keep yelling about is nearing its end thank goodness, and big plans are in the works for the future...stay tuned.

Very aware that I am grossly behind for the month of Sept. Did this one during lunch...seems to be the only time I can find to draw these days. Started as PPG Square but then I got bored and added my own flourishes. Boom.

Ok, that's all I got. Sorry for the lack of updates. Will post what I'm working on when it's all done and finished! :)

Also, my business cards finally came in! Yay! You may recognize the image, its the first one I did for my blog which now is in the possession of my bf.